Electrolysis is when a small needle or probe is inserted into the opening of the skin where the hair grows (hair follicle). Next, a low level of electric current passes through the needle probe to eliminate that follicles ability to regrow hair. While this may sound painful, it is easily tolerable by most people who experience a slight warming during each pulse. There is also topical anesthetic available for longer sessions or upon request.

Electrolysis can be done anywhere that grows hair. It’s also an excellent option for anyone who is not a candidate for laser hair removal. It does not matter what hair or skin type you have to be able to have electrolysis. Most sessions will start out at 1-2 week intervals. Over the course of treatment, this will increase to 4-6 weeks, with less time being spent in each sessions until the desired results are achieved. The amount of time has to do with the hair growth cycle, the amount of preexisting hair, and the amount of stubborn hair follicles each person has.Electrolysis can be done anywhere that grows hair. It’s also an excellent option for anyone who is not a candidate for laser hair removal. It does not matter what hair or skin type you have to be able to have electrolysis. Most sessions will start out at 1-2 week intervals. Over the course of treatment, this will increase to 4-6 weeks, with less time being spent in each sessions until the desired results are achieved. The amount of time has to do with the hair growth cycle, the amount of preexisting hair, and the amount of stubborn hair follicles each person has.

Advanced Electrolysis
Broken capillaries, cherry angiomas, skin tags, keratosis, sebaceous hyperplasia, and fibromas are all examples of what can be treated by advanced electrolysis. These must be assessed in person.
Transgender Friendly
Electrolysis can be a necessary part of transition. There are also times that hormone fluctuations will require irregular treatments.
Rates Regular/ Pubic
15 Minutes ………$40 / 50
30 Minutes ……..$60 / 70
45 Minutes ……..$80 / 90
60 Minutes ……..$100 /110
There will be a 50% off introductory discount until February 28th 2024.