Quantum Journey Hypnosis
How can Quantum Journey healing Hypnosis support you?
Many people are carrying around fear, resentment, sadness, grief, and unprocessed, unorganized emotions, which are usually a result of the life experiences or social conditioning we have been through.
Journey Healing Hypnosis’s principle is to help you to process, to expand the consciousness, to seek lessons and purpose, to peacefully forgive and embrace every aspect of you. Hypnosis is self-empowering; you’ll gain new perspective, a profound understanding of self, an increase in feelings of resilience, peace, joy, and gratitude.
It may also help you uncover the root cause of pain, fears, phobias, pending issues, suppressed emotions or memories, unexplainable events, health or life problems.
You may experience more clarity, feel more fulfilled, have a greater sense of wellbeing and wholeness, and a deeper connection to both self, and to others.
What to expect
The session is very interactive and you will likely be aware of what is happening while in a hypnotic state which is a relaxed, focused state. We access the information from the subconscious through this state and via the right brain where the imagination is and memories are stored.
We will talk a lot about your personal stories, life experiences, pains and joys. Take this opportunity to be honest with yourself and let your heart speak.
Sessions won’t necessarily take you to the Starseed origins or Convoluted Universe materials, yet it is possible. Most of the time, you could land into a mundane life, life on earth, and many more possibilities. Please keep an open mind to what you will experience. This modality was designed for therapeutic purposes which means that we will go through time and places where it is the most appropriate for you to heal.
Please note that this is not a psychic reading session, but rather a tool to empower you to know how to be in touch with your Higher-Self or Subconscious, and gain answers, wisdom and perspectives from within you.
How to prepare for the session
- Please do not take sleeping pills, relaxing pills, alcohol, or addictive substances prior to the session.
- Please lower the amount of caffeine or energy drink intake to the least possible amount that you would be ok with.
- Please eat well (but not overeat) prior to your session as the length of the session could be between 3-6 hours. We will take a little break after the first 1-2 hours.
- Feel free to bring your water, smoothies or snacks as you may need it to ground yourself after the session.
- Bring along your questions + client information form. (Please email the form if it is an online session)
- Wear comfortable clothes for you to feel at ease when lying down for a couple of hours during the session.
- The session could also be emotional and it is perfectly normal to cry during the session. You can allow yourself to release these emotions that may come through, in order to heal. I suggest wearing light eye makeup (or none).
- All Quantum Hypnosis sessions are one-on-one and will be confidential. Having another person in the session will not be beneficial. I ask that no partners, children, family members, friends accompany you during the session. This is your very own experience. No other person will be permitted to stay during the session.
- Do not schedule active activities or work after the session. You will need some time to ground yourself and process the information.
How to prepare your mind
- Set a positive intention that you will experience a wonderful healing session.
- Set no expectations. Allow yourself to trust that – whatever happens or shown by your subconscious is perfect and it always has reasons to it.
- It would be beneficial to keep yourself in a slow pace before coming to the session. All forms of meditation, listening to 432 Hz music, or earthing could help.
- Be open to what may come up before the sessions, it could be your emotions, frustrations, feelings, all the senses.
- Most of all, trust the process. Know that your Higher-self is always loving and forgiving and always with you. Whatever comes first in mind, it’s the answer. You are in a safe and loving space. Trust yourself.
After your session
- Drink plenty of water and eat well.
- Rest well; take it easy on yourself.
- Pay attention to signs, messages, synchronicity, sense of knowing in the next 7 days.
- Listen to the recording. You will be surprised that you may get so much more information and wisdom from just revisiting the recording.
- Live your life at best.
Why have a Quantum Journey Session?
- To make a connection to your Higher self or spirit guides
- Curious about past lives
- Find out life purpose
- Emotional Healing
- Physical Healing
Before your session, take some time to prepare your questions. 98% of hypnosis is self-hypnosis and I am just a facilitator to guide you into the deepest state. Your subconscious will bring forth precisely what is needed for you. You will start the process by sharing what you feel, sense and see and I will guide you by asking frequent questions about what you tell me. Simply relax, say the first thing that comes to you and trust your instincts.